Day 29: Jamestown, ND - Bismarck, ND - 104 miles - Sean Hankins

Some where over a rainbow, under an overpass waiting for the rain to pass…

Some where over a rainbow, under an overpass waiting for the rain to pass…

Today is our first century day! This means that we will be going over 100 miles for the first time in one day. We woke up early at 4:30, but nobody began packing because we all thought that nobody else was up. Max and I had trouble sleeping due to an RV sewage pipe near our tents, but we were still able to get a couple hours of sleep. After leaving our tents about 20-30 minutes later than expected, we hurried to meet at a gas station and get away from the thousands of mosquitoes that followed us in the morning. A small gas station snack prepared us for the long day ahead. Evan, Cole, and I left the gas station first to complete the first 30 miles to breakfast. We all took 10 mile pulls down the interstate while in light drizzles of rain. At one point, we stopped under a bridge to rearrange gear and get an excellent view of rainbows before continuing to Medina for a country breakfast. Once in Medina, we enjoyed a large breakfast covered by some locals at the restaurant. We discussed how we are biking for the Be Loud! Sophie foundation and able to have such an amazing cause to represent while on our trip.

After breakfast, we followed the interstate for a little over 30 more miles to a gas station. We were able to spread word about our cause and take a small break at the station. Leaving the station was the start of the hardest part of our day. Our group faced exhausting winds and hills for the remainder of the day. The day ended at around 1:30 with a stop at subway and some steep climbs. Our campsite was nearby so we had an easy time making our way there. We have showers and electricity at this site, a step up from past sites. We also get lots of perks for being in Bismarck. This includes a nice Thai dinner to end our longest day on the trip. All of us are now taking the time to get some rest for the days ahead of us. Until tomorrow... Sean