Day 28: Fargo, ND- Jamestown, ND- 95 miles - Daniel Gulisano

Today we woke up at 5am, but since there were rain showers on the forecast the night before, we were going to decide whether or not to start early. To my dismay, the rain cleared up and we were up and at ‘em at the crack of dawn. We rode 20 miles to breakfast, but we had to do 9 of those miles on a gravel road. It was difficult to maneuver, but I didn’t fall. Wyatt Benjamin fell on this road, and after I glanced over to check he was okay, I chuckled and kept pedaling.

We did 25 more miles, and they weren’t too hard because the roads were flat and it was overcast. We stopped at a gas station to fuel up and I got the last passion fruit Gatorade (the best flavor). Afterwards, we went on the interstate, because the side roads were gravel. We were close to our Gatorade break when rain clouds struck fear into our legs and we rode quickly to the gas station, only getting sprayed on a little bit. From there, we continued on the highway to finish off the ride. We stopped at underpasses twice because of rain showers, and that set us back a little bit. The ride wasn’t too bad today because of the cool temperature and the low elevation gain. Tonight we ate at a bar and we are sleeping in a small RV park. Yet again, I will be retiring to the Hilton rather early this evening.