Day 27 - 7 ways Bike Loud living is like being a bum

by Karl Murphy

#7  You will sleep anywhere...if its shaded.  

Snooze time!

Snooze time!

#6 You collect plastic bags and discuss their relative merits with your buddies.  

#5 You grow to love living outside...right up until it rains.

#4 You know how to ask a sheriff if you and your buddy can sleep in the public park....and the can play totally ignorant when he frowns at the 13 tents.

#3 “Doing laundry” means using the hose behind the gas station to rinse out your clothes.  Everywhere is a clothes line.

A real find!  Extra long and super durable!

A real find! Extra long and super durable!

# 2 When you stop moving you look for unsecured power sources for your phone and battery.

# 1 You will strip down to basically a loin cloth and shower anywhere you can....without shame or guilt.

Our luxurious shower facilities.

Our luxurious shower facilities.