Day 42: Lincoln, MT to Seeley Lake, MT - 55 miles, Blake Hird

Today we had a later, but still fairly early wake up time of 5:30. Everyone got packed up and had a small snack before our 27 mile ride to Ovando. The 27 miles were beautiful with scenery of rivers and mountains, it went by quite quick, not to mention it was mostly down hill. We met up with Mr. Gulisano in Ovando where he delivered some much needed gear to the crew.

After we had a great breakfast at a restaurant called The Stray Bullet. We departed another 13 miles to a gas station where we got some snacks and some bad news, Sean had taken a fall and was taken to a local medical center in the town we were staying. With sort of a grey area on the status of the front three, we left quickly and started on the last 15 miles.

We had a very rough road to get to the town, there were many pot holes and no shoulder for the whole time which was a bummer. About 10 miles into the last stretch we had to stop and regroup and right after Mr Murphy took a small fall which took about 15 mins to get everything back in place and fix a small issue with his bike.

From there we only had 5 miles to Seeley Lake which we finished quickly and stopped at the medical center. From there Mr. Malinchock called Evan, and Evan informed him that Sean was alright, he had a minor bruise but was completely fine. We went to a gas station and got some food and headed to a local park. We were staying at the fire station but we could not set up camp until 5 pm so we stayed in the park and napped and relaxed until that time. When it was time we went across the street to the fire station and set up camp for the night on some pavement to the right of the station. We had a great dinner at a local restaurant where everyone had either nachos or tacos. Then we settled in for the night and went to sleep early.